- Buddy
- Coach
- Game Day Help
- Groups
Ages 12 and up | Any qualified individual or group can give individuals with special needs the gift of baseball by volunteering as a Buddy. Our Buddy system pairs each player with a volunteer helper. Buddy training is provided on-site before your shift begins. Working one-on-one with our players will warm your heart and give you a new perspective on life.
Goals for our Buddies include:
- Assist the player according to their needs.
- Protect the player at all times.
- Allow the player as much freedom as possible to play.
- Have fun!
- Volunteers must be at least 12 years old.
- Volunteers attend a training session, held on-site before each shift.
- Volunteers sign up online in advance for any shift.
- Volunteer shifts are usually three hours or less.
- Sign up as an individual volunteer here.
Ages 16 and up | 3 to 5 individuals work together to offer leadership and guidance to our special athletes and their volunteer buddies throughout the team’s game. No experience is required. Training takes place at a Coaches Meeting held prior to each season.
Goals for our Coaches include:
- Ensure the safety of all players.
- Teach players how to play baseball to the best of their ability.
- Encourage sportsmanship, enthusiasm to all participants and promoting good behavior.
- Have fun!
- Coaches must be at least 16 years old.
- Coaches must attend a minimum of 6 games of the season.
- Coaches must first attend a training meeting held before each season.
- Coaches (over 18 years old) must pass a background check.
- Coaching positions are available at all three of our ball fields:
- If you are interested in coaching, email Volunteer@MLTriangle.com or click here to fill out a coach application.
Ages 12 and up | Volunteers are needed to support our program off the ballfield. Learn more below:
As a game day announcer, you will introduce each athlete up to bat and provide a lighthearted play-by-play of a Miracle League game, where everyone is a winner! Before each game you will receive a line up with names, pronunciations, pronouns, and nicknames. Volunteers must be familiar with our games to be an announcer.
Please email volunteer@mltriangle.com to become an announcer and receive our game-day announcer guide.
The primary function of our Field Staff is to assist the League with operational tasks during game days, coach meetings, and other special events at the Miracle League Field. Game Day duties will include set-up/tear down of the field, safety on and off the field, maintain facilities including restrooms, customer service of concessions, assist management and coaches as needed, direct and train volunteers, and fill-in when shorthanded on volunteers. Field staff actively interact with players and their buddies significantly.
This is a seasonal, part-time paid position. Each season is an 9-week commitment. Hiring decisions are made for the spring season January 1- Feb. 14 and July 5-August 15 for the fall season. To apply or request more information, contact Cyndy Vagle.
- Volunteers must be at least 12 years old.
- Volunteers attend a training session, held on-site before each shift.
- Volunteers sign up online in advance for any shift.
- Volunteer shifts are usually three hours or less.
- Sign up as an individual volunteer here.
Ages 12 and up | The Miracle League of the Triangle proudly connects our players with special needs and local volunteer groups from churches, high schools, clubs, civic groups, corporations, and athletic teams.
Group Volunteering Benefits include:
- Building interdepartmental collaboration
- Volunteering helps with mental and physical health
- Achieving corporate social responsibility for your organization
- Experiencing something that can’t be found in a conference/classroom
Basic Group Shift Information:
- Shifts are approximately 3 hours each, usually covering 2 of our games.
- When a group schedules a shift, the Group Leader will be given a sign-up link specific for their organization to use. This specific link saves space for group members.
- All group members must sign up through their specific group link.
- To help with the youth leagues, volunteers must be age 12 yrs. and older; we recommend 14 yrs. and older to assist the adult league.
- Minimum group size is 6 volunteers, maximum size varies.
- Group Volunteer Opportunities are available at all three of our ball fields:
- If you are interested in volunteering as a group, complete the form here.